CdEP (Christians in State Education) is quite a young association that was born at the end of October 2007. But, at the same time, it is not due to the whims of fate: it actually results from the merger of two movements with a long history, Paroisse Universitaire (Catholic teachers in secondary or higher education), and Equipes Enseignantes (Catholic teachers in primary schools, then in junior secondary schools).
Our original and long-standing links with these different levels of education and the differences of approach which could result from them have never prevented us from sharing the conviction that the secularity of School is an opportunity for our society. It seems all the more natural to us that our Catholic faith is fully in line with Council Vatican II. Our two associations were equally faced with the decline of activism and the challenge of inventing a new way of addressing new teachers, whatever level in the educational system they belong to. So, we took it for granted to collect our forces and make way for younger colleagues, in order to devise together new types of groupings for Christians in State Education, whatever their forms may be.
Such groupings firstly aim at being welcoming and convivial places for teachers who are often faced with a difficult job. At the same time, they are intended to be places where to deepen our faith in Jesus Christ and confront both our personal and professional life to our faith. They can also be a source where to find again enough spirit to act in the School and beyond it, in aid to the young people who are entrusted to our care. Lastly, C.d.E.P. wants to echo inside the French Catholic Church what teachers, and beyond them, the young and the society in which they are actively involved, are living.
May this web-site give you an idea of what we are living and doing, and make you want to join us !
For further information, please refer to Projet de C.d.E.P.